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Dakovo Cathedral Croatia - 1

Dakovo Cathedral Croatia - 1

Đakovo Cathedral in Đakovo, Croatia was built in 1866. The Viennese architects imagined a tall red cathedral, one of simplicty. But, enter once, and your mouth will drop as you look around at its very non-simple interior. Fresco paintings depicting scenes from the Old Testament and the New Testament scenes from the life of St Peter in the chancel were executed by the Roman painters (of German origin) Alexander Maximillian and Lodovico Seitz. Two frescoes were painted by Achille Ansiglioni.

Normally, when in Europe, you can come across so may cathedrals and churches, that you get a bit tired – no matter the structure’s magnificence. Đakovo Cathedral is one not miss. You can spend hours looking at each detail of art that makes it one of the most incredible sights in Slavonia.