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Ludwick Marishane is a 23-year-old entrepreneur from South Africa. He is responsible for conceptualizing a product, DryBath, that has the potential to save those in developing nations without access to clean bathing water from disease and bacteria. It all started with the desire to create a business and acting on an idea that came to him while hanging out with his friends. With hard work, research and a list of ingredients – Marishane recruited others to help him make his idea a reality. He has been a speaker for the global “ideas worth spreading” conferences, TED, and has been chosen as one of the 12 brightest minds in the world by Google. His determination and willingness to use the tools available to him as a college student propelled him into his current position at the helm of a successful start-up. We sat down with him at “The Barn”, a communal workspace for start-ups in Cape Town, South Africa, for a conversation.